Friday, June 29, 2012

Color Blindness

Color Blindness is a deficiency that affect mostly the male population. It is the inability to see and differentiate certain colors. According to studies, 8% of the male population are color blind.

Someone in our family was diagnosed with this kind of condition. 

The irony is, a lot of color blind individuals belong in the field of art or artistically inclined. So, I am not surprised anymore when that 'someone' has it. 

The thing is, we don't mind at all because Color Blindness is not a disability.

Have a colorful weekend everyone!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 Random Snaps

Random shots from last week and this afternoon. Our days with JITB around.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just my thoughts

My husband was watching a tv documentary about sacadas the other night, when I came to realize the college dream I had then, on pursuing a career in writing and investigative journalism. “I wonder what happened why you stopped dreaming and pursuing it”, my husband said.

Yeah, what stopped me really…

I answered back, “I saw the real world and how things work and it’s different from what I thought it was. I can’t write about it anymore.”


I saw things from a different perspective. I learned things I cannot speak about. I experienced things I cannot share. This society is not kind to many, but fret not because there is freedom in living and co-existing. You have the opportunity to choose whether to be kind in return or to build a wall to fight the unkind. 

Just my thoughts.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Vacation Hang over:

Baguio vacation, sad to say, was 'bitin'. We arrived Friday afternoon and left early Monday morning, so we basically had two whole days to visit my grandmother and the rest of our family. sigh.

Mabe's Baguio experience wasn't enough, but the good news is, my cousin will have a church wedding in July next year, so we're definitely going back. yey.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Mind Museum (Part II)

Second Level of the gallery is all about human and technology...

Downstairs, before heading out...

Visit The Mind Museum with your kids and the whole family. The interactive exhibits will give you a unique learning experience. 


The Mind Museum (Part I)

The outdoor park.


For more information about The Mind Museum, visit their site here.


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