2004. I have a 1-year old kid, married to an architect, and a career other people would die for...and yet my life was a mess. I was amidst post-partum depression, rough marriage adjustment, and a promising career.
My friend Anne (now my frenemy), introduced me to blogging. I created a private domain called mysocalledpurplelife. All because of my love for the color PURPLE and my belief in Women Empowerment which uses the color purple as well.
My BLOG served as an outlet, an escape, my other world. It was a portal of all the negativity of my life. A record of how dark my world was despite the colorful facade.
There are five persons who can read my blogposts: Anne, Sue, Bebang, Meowie, and Maping (two from the Philippines, one from Singapore, and two from the US).
Having a BLOG is like keeping a diary. Since I kept a diary in high school and I became a student journalist in college, writing is a familiar world to me. I know very well the difference of a news from a feature. As Managing Editor of the college paper, I know boring articles from human interest stories that would attract more readers, the do's and dont's of lay-out plus the importance of photos.
Having a diary ONLINE is not easy. I know because it took me six years to finally open my blog to the public. Sharing your everyday life is not safe. You are subject to scrutiny and harsh judgment especially from the people who hates you. Your so-called friends would like to read your entries but would not agree with your thoughts. Some would snoop into your life and talk behind your back. ALL of that because of the public site you risked to establish online. You may want to ask me: Is having a Public BLOG really worth it?
My answer is YES.
First, it is because I don't blog to please every reader who would stumble upon my site.
Second, I blog to record my thoughts, whether i am happy, hurt, angry, pissed or contented.
Third, I blog because I am living and enjoying what life brings to me.
Last, because I believe in the freedom of expression. read if you like and don't read if you don't want to.
So if want to blog just for the sake of having a BLOG, think about it.

your blog is your domain, and readers are just guests. some readers are so rude and would shove their own principles thru your blog, glad there is a "not publish" option he he
keep on bloggin!
yeah, salamat sa comment moderation options...hehehe thank you!!
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