I know, this is a late post, but Flores de Mayo has three more days to go. Mabe will join the other girls tomorrow since she never heard of this festival yet. I wanted her to experience Flores de Mayo like I did twenty five years ago.
Aside from the religious side of it, my memories of Flores de Mayo is all about the flowers I can find (like the ones I posted above), the plastic bowls and utensils that I have to bring for the afternoon snacks (Lol!), and of course playing with the rest of the kids, running around the church grounds. To those who experienced the same thing feet up :))
This festival is not complete without the Santacruzan, a pageant on the last day of Flores de Mayo in honor of Helena and Constantine finding the True Cross in Jerusalem (that is according to Wikipedia), nowadays Santacruzan seems to have a different approach. When I was in college taking up English Literature, I remember discussing the Helena and Constantine stuff in class (hmm, nevermind. haha!). What I only wanted you to know is, I was once invited to be Reyna Emperatriz (this was in the 90's, while studying in Baguio). Haha!
Okay, enough of my Flores de Mayo memories.
Goodnight everyone!

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