Even if i'm about to drag my feet to bed, eyes about to close, brain switching offline. I will do this post. (Not to mention that my whole body ached because of morning walk: day 2) I will blog how my day was even if it will bore you to death, even if i'm too exhausted with mother duties the whole day, even if i'm toooo sleepy!!
I started my day in a relax mode. Coffee. Carrot Bread. Chillax...then morning walk.
Off to ballet studio, by 9:30AM mabe just have enough time to do some stretching and for mama to catch up with fellow ballet moms and ballet yayas.
Back at home after lunch, I had to deal with mabe's chipped and damaged toenails (her teacher said ballerinas got damaged toenails all the time). Problem toenails solved. Swimming party in Costa Brava tomorrow, go!
Inspired to draw a beach scene? Mabe we're going to a pool not the beach.
By 4:30PM I got a call from mabe's pre-school teacher. She was chosen to join a group to do some intermission number on Monday. I was informed two weeks ago, but I thought its not pushing through since I got no phone call from her previous school. They rehearsed from 6:00PM to 7:00PM. Dance done!
This costume is three years old and needs repair and makeover. ugh. Mabe used this in a hula number when she graduated from pre-school. They will revive the dance on Monday.
So, where do you think will you find me first thing tomorrow morning?
(after my morning walk...ahem)
Where else but Central Market! lol looking for rafia of course.
I'm so sleepy. I know it's hard to believe but it's true. I will sleep NOW.
Have a great Sunday tomorrow :)

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