Friday, September 16, 2011

the yummiest piaya

i am very partial to purple, so i took a photo of ube piaya only :))

piaya in a hot sheet...if i dropped my tab, it's piaya flavored goodbye tablet

piaya is the ultimate pasalubong treat from bacolod, even my relatives incorporated in baguio loves piaya. but if you want to have piaya as your afternoon snacks, i know where to get one. imagine your ube flavored piaya freshly done, piping hot, and in every bite the ube filling is oozing. yum!

if you are familiar with galo st., at the back of la consolacion, you remember where tikboy's used to be? there you can find the yummiest piaya. they have a refreshment area (i forgot the name) where you can sit and enjoy your piaya.

piaya there comes in two flavors, ube and the classic one. Php 3.00 each, but the size is not as big as the commercial ones we usually buy as pasalubong.

enjoy everyone!


rain71 said...


let's try the bingka naman

CAT said...

bingka? where? bar21? lol!

rain71 said...

no, the cheap one in front of cathedral he he

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